If I had to pick my favorite sense it would be hearing. Imagine never ever being able to hear someone again. You couldn’t hear someone talk to you and you couldn’t tell people apart by their voice.
It has made my life better by being able to hear movies, the sounds of nature, and everything going on around me. If I couldn’t hear it would be like being trapped in one of those black and white movies with no sound not knowing when a car was coming or planes flying by.
True some things would be good about not being able to hear. For an example you would be able to read in peace finally but would you like to have the feeling of being home alone all the time.
If you really think about it, after being deaf for a while you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself so you wouldn’t be able to talk to someone. You would have to sign to everyone and only be able to talk to people who can sign back.
A lot of reasons why people go deaf or have to wear hearing aids are because they listen to things to loud. There’s no reason to listen to music so loud it’s shaking a car to spaces away so I say protect your ears and keep you hearing.