Author Archives: ekennedy
Holocaust Day
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the ceremony for the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, in New York today, 10 February: I am honored to be with you. Today, we pay our solemn respects to the millions of Jews who were brutally and systematically murdered during the Holocaust. People such as Minister Ehud Barak’s grandparents, Elka and Shmuel Godin, who perished at Treblinka. We remember prisoners of war, political dissidents, members of minority groups such as the Roma and Sinti, homosexuals, disabled people and so many others who were murdered alongside them. We also celebrate the lives of those who survived. We stand together to say “never again” to speak out against those who would deny the Holocaust and its important lessons for humanity. The list of survivors is shrinking. We must ensure the memory of their suffering and endurance never dies. By educating new generations about this genocide, we can help to uphold human dignity for all. On this year’s observance of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we pay special tribute to the women who suffered in the Holocaust — mothers and daughters, grandmothers, sisters and aunts. They saw their lives irrevocably changed, their families separated and killed, their traditions shattered. Yet, despite appalling acts of cruelty, they consistently found ways to fight back against their persecutors. They joined the resistance, rescued those in peril, smuggled food into ghettos and sacrificed to keep their children alive. Their courage continues to inspire.
Ski Break
During this spring break I have already planned to go to Colorado to a ski resort. I’m going with my church so we can get a huge group discount. I don’t know how long it will take to get up there. I would guess one or two days because we are travailing by van. That’s going to be boring beyond belief. To avoid be bored, I will load up my tablet with books and apps. I have never skied before so I will fall a lot! I have already got some skiing gear from my grandparents so I don’t have to waste money on renting costly ski equipment. I hope nobody gets hurt on this trip and hope that everybody has fun.
A Drop Adventure
Boom, Crash
I fall from the sky
Whoosh I go back up
Falling down lake a meteor
I see my other droplets crashing through windows, splashing in lakes
Whoosh a gust of wind blows me into a headlight
The car stops with a screech
I get launched out
Whoosh the wind blows me up uP UP
Boom, Crash
I fall from the sky.
Hearing Can’t Live Without
If I had to pick my favorite sense it would be hearing. Imagine never ever being able to hear someone again. You couldn’t hear someone talk to you and you couldn’t tell people apart by their voice.
It has made my life better by being able to hear movies, the sounds of nature, and everything going on around me. If I couldn’t hear it would be like being trapped in one of those black and white movies with no sound not knowing when a car was coming or planes flying by.
True some things would be good about not being able to hear. For an example you would be able to read in peace finally but would you like to have the feeling of being home alone all the time.
If you really think about it, after being deaf for a while you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself so you wouldn’t be able to talk to someone. You would have to sign to everyone and only be able to talk to people who can sign back.
A lot of reasons why people go deaf or have to wear hearing aids are because they listen to things to loud. There’s no reason to listen to music so loud it’s shaking a car to spaces away so I say protect your ears and keep you hearing.
Changing the World Little by Little
To change the world it doesn’t take a lot. It’s simple things like serving food to the homeless or cleaning up trash around the beach that can make a difference.
How many times have you been on the beach and there’s trash scattered every where. What can you personally do to make it better. You could get a trash bag and start cleaning. It’s community work and it makes life’s of people for the future much better. Another thing you could do for the people of the future is car pulling. It will conserve fuel for the future generations. Recycling is another difference you can make. Pollution in the water or the air will lead to acid rain and damages the environment. If you came in to the world what would you want. A lush green forest or a desert with no life anywhere with the smell of waste in the air.
If you were a homeless person with no food where would you go. To the homeless shelter, but most of these facilitates are just running by the community. You could plant a garden to grow food with some friends and a couple of seeds to donate to these shelters to help the hungry. It’s simple things like this that can make a difference.
The Polar Express
It was a cold winter Sunday night, right after Christmas. I and my sister were bursting with enthusiasm. We jumped in the car and headed off. We were going to ride on The Polar Express. It was a really long drive there but we stopped to eat at a restraint called Cotton Patch. Once we got there we paid for parking and went inside. In the waiting area they set up the actual Polar Express movie to watch while you wait. EEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR! “All aboard” yelled the conductor. We walked over and got in the first class cart. When we were in side we found our table and sat down. Each seat had a fudge cake there which was really good. We started down the track. They passed out song books and every body stared singing with the music. Once the music was down Santa came down the isle and handed out pure silver bells. They made the most beautiful sound in the world. We arrived at the other end of the track they handed out really great hot chocolate in really cool mugs that we kept. Santa got off at the North Pole which was just a space they put a bunch of Christmas lights at. We headed back and they handed out a bunch of apple sider for the way back. That is the most memorable Christmas moment.
Rebuilding a Barn
On Sunday I had to help my dad rebuild a barn. I thought it was going to be so hard. To my surprise it was kind of fun.
We started off by taking every thing out of the barn. It was kind of hard because there were spiders, cob webs, bugs, and all that nasty stuff all over every thing. When we were taking every thing out a gecko jumped on my sister’s hand. “EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK”. She yelled at the top of her lungs. She slung her hand and the gecko went soaring across the room.
Next we had to clean the floors. It was pretty much boring except for a big daddy long legs jumped on her head. She slapped the spider and all the blood got on her head. “It occurs to me that you should have threw it of your head like you did with that poor gecko” I said.
Then we finally got to tear the walls down. My dad gave us hammers and said “Go have fun.” My sister hit the wall hard with her hammer and a huge roach fell from the roof. She screeched and stepped on it. “What is with you and killing stuff.” I said. As I was banging on the wall my sister ran back and charged at the wall and kicked the wall. The wall broke and she went through. I looked down at her and said “What did you do to make karma mad. We had to come in because it was getting dark. That was my day rebuilding a barn.
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